Suas leis a’ Ghàidhlig! | Up with Gaelic!
May 1, 2024
‘S e Mìos nan Gàidheal a th’ ann agus tha Siorramachd Inbhir Nis toilichte a bhith a’ togail na brataich Gàidhealaiche air an taigh-cùirte eachdraidheil ann an Seastago.
Its Gaelic Nova Scotia month and the Municipality of Inverness County is proud to be raising the Gaelic flag on the historic courthouse building in Port Hood.
This year in a first for the municipality, the proclamation of Gaelic Nova Scotia month was read in the Gaelic language, by municipal engineer Lauren MacDonnell (pictured on the right in the photo below). World class piper and Kenneth MacKenzie (pictured left) was on hand to give a joyful burst of music to mark the proclamation.
In the gallery there was also a delegation of international students from schools across Inverness County representing countries as far afield as Brazil, Turkey, Vietnam, Spain China and Germany. They appreciated the taste of our rich Gaelic culture and were happy to join the municipal councillors and members of the local Gaelic community for a photo!
Aig aon àm bha barrachd air 100 000 luchd-bruidhne na Gàidhlig ann an Alba Nuadh, agus tha cultar nan Gàidheal a’ soirbheachadh fhathast ann an Siorramachd Inbhir Nis, le daoine, sean is òg, a bhruidhinneas, a sheinneas agus a chùmas an cànan.
Cùmaibh ur sùilean fosgailte airson comaidhean ‘sa choimhearsnachd Ghàidhlig am mìos seo – an Céitean!
At one time the gaelic-speaking population of Nova Scotia was over 100 000-strong, and gaelic culture is still thriving in Inverness County with the language being spoken, sung and shared by young and old.
Keep your eyes open for activities in the Gaelic community this month of May, such as the annual Gaelic concert at Bayview Education Centre in Seastago — Port Hood.